1 September 2018, London
At Guildhall Art Gallery.
2 September 2018, London
At the British Museum.
4 September 2018, London
The storming of the CityCorp's Cripplegate noticeboard gathers pace.
12 September 2018, Moulsford
Funeral day.
14 September 2018, London
The Roof of the Sir Ralph Perring Centre on the Golden Lane Estate is a potential death trap for delinquent male teenagers, who prowl its dizzy heights in testosteronic competition and juvenile joshing with one another. I spotted one unlucky specimen today attempting a tricky climbdown, only to twist over on his ankle during the final drop. He staggered painfully to his feet and was ushered away supported by two friends, who both looked like they were enjoying his pain. I smiled a smile bordering on laughter, and felt slightly ashamed.
21 September 2018, London
Yesterday Cris gave me a copy of the feedback document from the Science Museum event we took part in back in July. The event featured me and Y talking about memory and remembering; basically, two people with brain injuries jibber-jabbering. The best bit of the feedback for me was one answer to the question, “What motivated you to attend the event?” Some comedian answered that it “sounded fun”. Bloody hilarious.
22 September 2018, Brussels
30th Anniversary weekend. Liverpool 3 Southampton 0. Top of the world, Ma.
23 September 2018, Brussels
30 years ago today. Walthamstow register office, ‘Theme From The Deer Hunter’. Quickly-bought ring for me from H Samuel, Camden High Street. Today is surreal.
23 September 2018, Brussels
In Museé Magritte we spotted a group of young women in traditional dress; long patterned pleated skirts, white blouses closed to the throat and a kind of loosely bowed neck tie or ribbon thing. They wore circular squat pillbox hats/headdresses in patterned red/burgundy (hair tied up or back) and body-hugging waistcoats in the same colour (sketch below gives a rough idea).
They were Latvian, we discovered and here in Brussels for a festival. On one of the women I noticed a small tear just below the collar of her blouse at the back. The tear looked like a mark of wear (a bit grubby) and it made me wonder whether this blouse had been passed down through generations. Was she wearing her grandmother's festival blouse?
23 September 2018, Brussels
Champagne, cheese, grapes and the last episode of Bodyguard.
24 September 2018, London
Vanity Fair on ITV catch-up.
"In a world where everyone is striving for what's not worth having."
27 September 2018, Hackney
S was looking around in a shifty manner today while we were doing reading practice. Perhaps she is nervous about being seen doing it.
28 September 2018, Brighton
Email to Natasha Lockyer, Director of Services, Headway East London.
‘Hi Tash
I just spotted this story in Hackney Citizen about St Leonard's. I fleetingly once thought that St Leonard's would be a good 'partnership' for HEL and a good location. I knew it had/has loads of empty space. I also knew/know that in the City & Hackney health/social services partnership, the City of London (very rich) could do with contributing a bit more to support Hackney (very poor), though the Corporation of London (arseholes) would argue differently. These are of course the gross generalisations of a tabloid journalist, and of little real interest, but anchoring HEL more in the community is something I'm interested in, so I thought I would pass it in on.’
28 September 2018, Brighton
Email to Jade Ibegbuna at CoL Community Engagement dept re the training that started one year ago with an 8-week Action for Happiness course of workshops.
‘I was sceptical of the Action for Happiness idea, and one year on some of my doubts have been sidelined, but the jury is still out. I never liked the Buddhist flavour. This is probably a misconception, but a lot of buddhism seems to emphasise the individual, whereas I believe in the team. The persecution of the Royhingya muslims by the Myanmar military is another stain that has not been cleaned for me. At times it looks like it is drifting blind into genocide, and that makes me nervous.
'Political ranting aside, I think it is worth mentioning how the Action for Happiness workshop threw together a group of driven strangers who all shared a desire nurture change: for a greater understanding of one another and for a way to work together that would be transformative.
'Continuity has also been important for me. Dovetailing the Action for Happiness workshop with the Community Building project has been a great success. Thanks to the training workshops that followed, I am now a better planner, a better listener and a better friend to my neighbours.
Overall, the biggest impact for me has been to see the strength in others. Their weaknesses they can keep, but show me what you're good at and I'll be like a rat up a drainpipe finding a way to make the most of it.’
28 September 2018, Brighton
In Paris House, Western Road.
27 September 2018, Hackney
S was looking around in a shifty manner today while we were doing reading practice. Perhaps she is nervous about being seen doing it.
28 September 2018, Brighton
Email to Natasha Lockyer, Director of Services, Headway East London.
‘Hi Tash
I just spotted this story in Hackney Citizen about St Leonard's. I fleetingly once thought that St Leonard's would be a good 'partnership' for HEL and a good location. I knew it had/has loads of empty space. I also knew/know that in the City & Hackney health/social services partnership, the City of London (very rich) could do with contributing a bit more to support Hackney (very poor), though the Corporation of London (arseholes) would argue differently. These are of course the gross generalisations of a tabloid journalist, and of little real interest, but anchoring HEL more in the community is something I'm interested in, so I thought I would pass it in on.’
28 September 2018, Brighton
Email to Jade Ibegbuna at CoL Community Engagement dept re the training that started one year ago with an 8-week Action for Happiness course of workshops.
‘I was sceptical of the Action for Happiness idea, and one year on some of my doubts have been sidelined, but the jury is still out. I never liked the Buddhist flavour. This is probably a misconception, but a lot of buddhism seems to emphasise the individual, whereas I believe in the team. The persecution of the Royhingya muslims by the Myanmar military is another stain that has not been cleaned for me. At times it looks like it is drifting blind into genocide, and that makes me nervous.
'Political ranting aside, I think it is worth mentioning how the Action for Happiness workshop threw together a group of driven strangers who all shared a desire nurture change: for a greater understanding of one another and for a way to work together that would be transformative.
'Continuity has also been important for me. Dovetailing the Action for Happiness workshop with the Community Building project has been a great success. Thanks to the training workshops that followed, I am now a better planner, a better listener and a better friend to my neighbours.
Overall, the biggest impact for me has been to see the strength in others. Their weaknesses they can keep, but show me what you're good at and I'll be like a rat up a drainpipe finding a way to make the most of it.’
28 September 2018, Brighton
In Paris House, Western Road.
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